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Welcome to Inclusive Battlefields!

We foster true inclusivity and provide comprehensive education for lasting, inclusive workplaces. Our transformative programs celebrate diversity, address biases, and empower individuals. Join us in creating a brighter, united future. Contact us today and Book a "Meaningful Conversations" for your team!

New Release!!!
"Ellie Wants to Talk! 

"Ellie wants to Talk" is a charming tale set in the jungle, following Ellie, a kind and curious elephant who yearns to communicate with humans.

The Resilience-Building Leader Program is the certification body for the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP®) series of leadership certifications. Our mission is to certify front-line supervisors (RBLP), middle managers (RBLP-C), and senior leaders (RBLP-T) in Building and Leading Resilient Teams. Click the RSL image above and when you are ready to be RBLP certified ask for Darryl to be your instructor!


Scan or Click to watch Inclusive Battlefields owner Darryl get interviewed by Live Well's Mary Planco on why we need to talk.

Click or Scan above to listen to an amazing podcast discussion with Caleb Vaden on the 3 Dimensions of Inclusion



Our Offerings

Workshops, Training and Leadership Certificates(RBLP)

Our workshops(Meaningful Conversations) and training programs are designed to help educators create inclusive and equitable learning environments for all students. We cover topics such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, cultural competence, social justice and we offer the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional Certification with prep for the Exam.

Curriculum Development

Our team of experts can help you develop inclusive curriculum that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. We work with you to create a curriculum that is culturally responsive and meets the needs of all your students.


We offer consulting services to help you create more inclusive and equitable policies and practices in your school or organization. Our consultants work with you to analyze your current practices and develop strategies for improvement.

Youth Mentorship

As a testament to the strength and resilience instilled in me by my single mother, I wholeheartedly embrace the responsibility of providing this invaluable service to the youth. Be it the realm of sports, the realm of music, the pursuit of education, or navigating the intricacies of life itself, my fervent aspiration is to be a guiding light. This noble endeavor thrives on the benevolence of donations, presenting an exceptional opportunity for you to contribute and make a profound impact alongside me. Together, let's empower the next generation and shape a future filled with promise and potential.



Our Mission

At Inclusive Battlefields, our mission is to promote true inclusivity and provide comprehensive education for lasting, inclusive workplaces. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and that workplaces and classrooms should reflect the diversity of our world. Our transformative programs celebrate diversity, address biases, and empower individuals. We are committed to creating a brighter, united future for all.

Donate to Support Youth Mentorship

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